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EQuAL Constitution

Ratified: March 2015


To advance the well-being of LGBTQA+ individuals and the global community through the creation and commitment to advocate networks and empowerment.



The Employee Queers & Allies League is comprised of faculty, staff, and administration of Oklahoma State University, all branch campuses, and affiliated institutions. Our mission is to establish, through our presence and visibility, a safe, supportive, and equitable environment for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, allied, and other inclusive (LGBTQA+) employees and students of Oklahoma State University. We believe that campuses and communities are enriched by the diversity of LGBTQA+ individuals and are willing to assist individuals in accessing support and resources on campus and in the community.



  • Foster a safe and comfortable environment for LGBTQA+ faculty, staff, administration and students at Oklahoma State University and in the surrounding community;
  • Educate the University community about the lives and concerns of LGBTQA+ individuals;
  • Advocate for LGBTQA+ issues, employees, and families within the structure of the University;
  • Provide networking and mentorship opportunities for LGBTQA+ faculty, staff and students;
  • Build coalitions with local, regional, and national LGBTQA+ groups, activities, and programs;
  • Encourage and facilitate the inclusion of scholarship, research and teaching across disciplines that addresses questions relevant to LGBTQA+ persons and the role of sexual/affectional orientation or identity in culture and society;
  • Create a forum to respond to the needs of the LGBTQA+ community as they arise.



The name of this organization shall be Employee Queers & Allies League (EQuAL).


Section 1:  Membership is open to all faculty as defined in the University Faculty Handbook, administration and staff of Oklahoma State University. EQuAL will not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law.

Section 2:  Those eligible to vote and hold office shall be defined as individuals who are up-to-date in annual dues.


Section 1:  The representatives of EQuAL shall be Chair, Vice Chair, Communications Chair, Treasurer, Chair of the Social Interest Group and Chair of the Education and Outreach Interest Group. This group shall collectively be known as the Executive Council.

Section 2: The Executive Council’s terms of service will be one-year in length. The newly elected officers will begin their responsibilities at the final business meeting in the spring semester. In order to reflect diverse leadership in EQuAL, the offices of Chair and Vice Chair will be held alternately by a faculty member and a staff member.

Section 3: The Chair shall preside at all meetings and perform all other necessary and responsible duties according to the stated purposes of the organization. The Chair will also prepare an agenda for each meeting of the organization and distribute to all members.

Section 4: In the event that the Chair is unable to attend a meeting, the Vice Chair shall assume all responsibilities. In addition, the Vice Chair will support the Chair in responsibilities as deemed necessary for organizational advancement.

Section 5: The Communications Chair will take minutes at each meeting, manage the Facebook page, and organize minutes on the EQuAL site.

Section 6: The Treasurer shall receive and be responsible for the organization’s finances, have the power to sign checks, and shall report the organization’s financial standing to the membership at least once per semester.

Section 7: Executive Council members are expected to attend all meetings and relevant events.



Section 1: The mission and vision of the organization are carried out through the Social and Educational & Outreach interest areas.

Section 2: The Education & Outreach Interest Group serves to inform the OSU community on issues, opportunities, and resources relevant to the mission of the organization.

Section 3: The Social Interest Group facilitates social networking among members and the university community at large and plans social functions.



Section 1:  All finances, such as donations and monies from fundraisers, shall come under the responsibility of the Treasurer.

Section 2: Membership dues shall be set annually by the Executive Council.



Section 1:  The members of EQuAL will be notified at least two weeks before meeting to vote on a proposed amendment to this constitution.

Section 2:  A simple majority of the membership participating in the vote will be necessary for passage. All amendment voting will occur by secret ballot.

Section 3: EQuAL shall conduct a constitution review every three years to ensure up-to-date commitment on relevant issues and policy changes.

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